The community of Gambell continues to have a largely subsistence-based economy. Official unemployment rates in Western Alaska range as high as 20 percent, but functional unemployment is often three to four times higher.

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CDQ Code

Through the WACDA Membership Agreement, the six CDQ entities have agreed to a rule-making process to adopt minimum standards for the entities and WACDA to achieve the statutory functions identified in the Magunson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(G)(iii)).

Rules adopted by WACDA under this agreement will constitute the CDQ Code – a compendium of mutually-acceptable minimum standards by which the CDQ Entities and WACDA agree to be bound. Each rule automatically terminates upon expiration of the membership agreement unless otherwise stated in the rule.

Proposed CDQ Panel Rules

CDQ Panel Rules are adopted in a two-stage process. A Proposed CDQ Panel Rule is one that has been approved unanimously by the Panel on first reading. The six entities then have a minimum of thirty days to consider the rule before it comes back to the Panel for a second reading. Upon unanimous approval by the Panel at its second reading, a rule is considered adopted. WACDA is required to notify entities at each stage of the rule-making process.